Kristina Tica (*1995, Belgrade) completed her BA in Painting, University of Fine Arts and MA in Digital Arts, Faculty of Media and Communications in Belgrade and an MA in Interface Cultures,  at Kunstuniversität Linz. She was a guest student at Central Saint Martins, UAL and Slade School of Fine Art, UCL.

Her practice is focused on practical and theoretical research in machine learning and critical AI. Using machine learning algorithms to create her works, she is addressing and questioning aesthetic and ethical elements of the implementation of such tools, following the current innovations in automated image-making and image-reading processes. Her body of work explores semiotic keys and visual languages in different media, such as painting, video, installation and generative new media art with elements of interactivity.

Her works have been exhibited at festivals such as Ars Electronica (AT) (2020, 2021, 2022), Speculum Artium (SI) (2020, 2021, 2022), European Open Science Forum Trieste (IT) (2020), The Wrong (2017, 2019, 2021). She is the recipient of the art+science AI Lab Award (RS) 2020. Her work has recently been presented in The Practice of Art and AI published by Hatje Cantz. She currently lives and works in Linz.

Leonardo Graduate Abstracts Service 2023



2020-3   MA Interface Cultures, Kunstuniversität Linz
2017-20  MA Digital Arts, Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum Univeristy Belgrade
2013-17   BFA Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Arts Belgrade

2017        Summer Programme: The Expanded Field of Drawing, Slade School of Fine Art, University College London
2016        Study Abroad Programme: Contemporary Fine Art Practice, Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London


2023        Project Coordinator at communale oö, Landes-Kultur OÖ, Linz/Peuerbach
2022        Project Manager at Ars Electronica Festival, Linz
2019-22   Gallery Assistant at Eugster || Belgrade, Belgrade
2016-17    Art Director at ‘Hadži atelier-bar-gallery’, Belgrade


2020        Digital Prayer, Remont Gallery, Belgrade
2019         Cabaret Mystique, Le Studio Theatre, Belgrade


2022       Crossing the Bridge: Interface Cultures @ Ars Electronica Festival, JKU, Linz
2022       Speculum Artium, New Media Festival / Digital Big Screen 360, DDT, Trbovlje
2022       PROSTHETIC #3: ZERO AGENCY, The Wrong, online biennial, curated by Darko Vukić / co-organised by Kristina Tica
2021        Speculum Artium, New Media Festival, DDT, Trbovlje
2021        Interface Cult: Interface Cultures @ Ars Electronica Festival, Linz
2020       Speculum Artium, New Media Festival, DDT, Trbovlje
2020       Ars Electronica Garden Belgrade, In Kepler’s Gardens, Ars Electronica Festival, online + Linz
2020       Both Ways, EuroScience Open Forum, Trieste, curated by Maja Ćirić and Dobrivoje Lale Erić
2019        The Wrong, Prosthetic Pavilion Vol. 2, online + Remont Gallery, Belgrade, curated by Darko Vukić
2019        Festival S.U.T.R.A., Museum of Science and Technology, Belgrade, curated by Ivan Stanić
2018        5th Mr Vorky International One-Minute Film Festival, Ruma
2017        The Wrong, Prosthetic Pavilion,  online, curated by Darko Vukić


2023       ARCADIA, group show, Queer Museum Vienna, curated by Ana Simona Zelenović
2023       Im Auge der Infodemie (In the Eyes of the Infodemic), SPLACE, Linz, curated by Simone Barlian and Fina Esslinger

2022       Remix Culture: Interface Cultures@the AI&ART pavilion for Esch 2022, Belval / Esch zur Alzette
2022       DWHX x IC : online studios | Rup†ure!, Das Weisse Haus, Vienna, online program
2022       refinerymonastery: 20th Pančevo Biennial, Pančevo, curated by Maja Ćirić
2022       An[Other] Creativity in AI, Wavelab, University of Theatre and Music, Munich, curated by Christl Baur
2022       Poetics of Obsolescence, Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz, curated by Indiara Di Benedetto and Gebhard Sengmüller
2022       New ULUS Members Exhibition, Cvijeta Zuzoric Art Pavillion, Belgrade

2021        Things To Come, KC Dorcol, Belgrade, curated by Brajan Vojinović
2021        Entanglements, U10 Art Space, Belgrade
2021        Trijenale male platike i crteža, ULUS, Umetnički paviljon Cvijeta Zuzorić, Belgrade, curated by Kristina Sedlarević

2020        Sankt Interface, Interface Cultures, Kunstuniversität Linz, Linz
2020        Art+Science Lab, Magacin u Kraljevića Marka, Belgrade, curated by Maja Ćirić and Dobrivoje Lale Erić

2019        Phenomenon of Participation in Art, Remont Gallery, Belgrade, curated by Kristina Sedlarević
2014-19   Interventions 3 - 15, Magacin u Kraljevića Marka 4, Belgrade

2018        Bye, photography!, ARTGET Gallery, Belgrade Cultural Centre
2018        Department of Digital Arts Exhibition, Kvaka 22 [Catch 22], Belgrade
2018        [DE]Construction, Kvaka 22 [Catch 22] Gallery, Belgrade

2017         Lithography workshop’s 10th anniversary, Gallery of The Faculty of Fine Arts, Belgrade
2017         Drawings Exhibition, Cvijeta Zuzorić Art Pavilion, Belgrade
2017         The Expanded Field of Drawing Course Exhibition, Slade School of Fine Art, London
2017         3rd International Print Triennial, Instytut Sztuki, Cieszyn
2015-17    Student’s Drawing and Sculpture Exhibition, Belgrade Youth Centre, Belgrade
2014        FESTUM, University of Arts Student Festival, Drawing Exhibition, SKC, Belgrade
2014        Awarded Students Exhibition, Gallery of The Faculty of Fine Arts, Belgrade


2020       art+science AI Lab National Selection Award, Center for the Promotion of Science, Belgrade
2018        Best Student’s Project for MA Digital Arts, Faculty of Media and Communications, Belgrade
2018        Best Serbian Film, 5th Mr Vorky International One-Minute Film Festival, Ruma
2014        Best Student’s Drawing of The Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Arts, Belgrade


2023        Queertopia by Ana Simona Zelenovic. Fräulein Magazin, “Fantasy”, ISSUE #36. Berlin
2023        Leonardo Graduate Abstracts Service 2023Computational Aesth-ethics: Understanding visual computation processes between the image and its context [abstract]
2023        Computational Aisthēsis: The Ideology of Prediction in Algorithmic Text-to-Image Processing Models, xCoAx 2023, Weimar
2023        Computational Aesth-ethics: Understanding visual computation processes between the image and its context [full thesis]
2022        06 International Conference of Photography and Theory, Expanded Visualities:Photography and Emerging Technologies [abstract]
2021         The Practice of Art and AI, Ars Electronica, Hatje Cantz (p.113)
2020        Fantazija o kiborgu?, Tag Net Magazine [srb] / Cyborg Fantasy?, Tag Net Magazine [eng]


2023        xCoAx 2023, 11th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X, Weimar | presenter
2022        06 International Conference of Photography and Theory (ICPT), Expanded Visualities: Photography and Emerging Technologies,  Nicosia | presenter
2022        Social Marginalisation and Machine Learning: Defying the Labels of the Machinic Gaze, Autograph ABP Gallery, London + online | presenter
2022        Digital Day 2022 Conference: The end of the world as we know it, Belgrade | panel moderator
2022        Artificial Creativity, Wavelab: University of Music and Theater Munich, | guest presenter
2022        ART IN STEAM Conference 2022, Johannes Kepler Universität + online, Linz | presenter
2021         Follow the Current, panel discussion, Ars Electronica, Belgrade Garden | moderator, organiser


2022        DORFTV, Crossing the Brigde: Interface Cultures @Ars Electronica Festival
2022        ARA: Bistro, Luxembourg | exhibition introduction, 28/06/2022
2022        Kulturni Centar, RTS2 11/05/2022 [10’ 15” rs]
2021         FUTUREFALSEPOSITIVE, short interview, Interface Cultures @ Ars Electronica Festival
2020        Inside Festival: Serbia, Helsingør: From AI Lab to Collective Memories and Garden of Digital Prayers
2020        Artist Talk - Ars Electronica / In Kepler’s Gardens / Youtube
2020        Kulturni Dnevnik RTS 01/09/2020 [rs]
2020        Radio Beograd 2 emisija Digitalne Ikone 25/08/2020 [40’ rs]
2020        radio elementi: RadioAparat 28/06/2020 [rs]
2020        online razgovor o izložbi Digital Prayer u galeriji Remont 03/07/2020 [rs]

2017        Mural Chess game, Market Road Gallery, London

2014-19   Interventions 3 - 15, Magacin u Kraljevića Marka 4, Belgrade
2017        Creative Workshop assistance, Royal Docs Learning and Activity Centre, London

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